Edokko is on its way, and I'm looking for a launch team!

What does a launch team actually do, though!?
Glad you asked!

  • Receive advance copies (ARCs) of titles
  • Give feedback before launch day
  • Write (honest!) reviews
  • Share the news to social media, if you enjoyed the book! 
  • Input! I would love to hear what you think!
  • Discuss! Not just the book—feel free to drop over to my Facebook page and let's talk!

What's Next: Edokko

An adventure in Kyushu
Coming spring 2021!
Lily Jennings is BEYOND excited to be setting off for a whole year as an exchange student in Japan. Fashion and fun are foremost on her mind as she arrives ready to meet her new host family and embark on a grand adventure, livestreaming all the way.

What Lily isn't expecting, however, is for her Tokyo host family to cancel at the last moment and leave her hanging with nowhere to live. She's shipped off to the small town of Ajimu (sorry, where!?), a billion miles from anywhere cool and exciting, with two neurotic host siblings and a community that watches her every move.

Too bad for the people of this small town--nothing's going to hold Lily back when she wants something!

Interested in hearing more about Edokko and other exciting news? Hop into my mailing list, and I'll start sending launch team details your way as they become available!

Thanks for stopping by to hear about Edokko!
Indie publishing, apparently, is all about making mistakes--but learning from them.

When I originally released the Kindle version of Meet You By Hachiko in February 2020, I didn't know how to launch a book, wasn't aware of Amazon's algorithms, and essentially fumbled the launch. I can count the sales from February to November on one hand.

For the paperback release, I decided to go all-in, including pulling the Kindle version. And I've come to realize that I did everything incorrectly in February. A book, whether it is digital or print, will never generate interest if no one picks it up in the first week. I had yet to figure out that I needed category research, real reviews from people who had read the book, and a social media presence. So over the last months, I've been preparing for my next book's release day, including forming a Launch Team (that could be you!).

It's absolutely critical that an unknown author gain traction in that first week using advance copies, promotion and reviews. I know I'm asking for a lot, but I'm hoping to make 2021 a much bigger success than 2020 was!

Who am I?

A new author with one novel under my belt and four more on the way. Themes of my stories include Japan, Newfoundland, aro/ace characters and cultural exchange. Sometimes all at once!

What is HachiPress?

HachiPress was created to fill a small publishing niche connecting Canada to Japan, launching with "Meet You By Hachiko" in December 2020.